Step-1: Browse Items by Category
To browse the online store, use the main navigation panel (located at the top of the page), which contains the names of the many product categories.
Step-2: Select the Item
Once customers find a product they want to purchase, they can click on the item to view more details, such as product descriptions, images, sizes, colors, and prices.
Step-3: Add Items to your shopping bag
Click the item and press ADD TO CART button to add the item to your bag. A system generated message will pop up informing that the product has been successfully added to the bag. From there you may finalize your shopping and go for BUY NOW and GO TO CART tab. Buy Now will take you to further process the product and final checkout. Go to Cart will redirect you to the order summary page.
Step-4: Check your Order Summary
On the Order Summary page, you will be able to see the status of your order – item(s) added to the cart, quantity of the item(s) & the total amount. You have the option to remove an item you have decided not to buy or make changes to the product quantity & size. The cart will update automatically as per your requirements.
Step-5: Registered/Guest checkout
By being a registered user, you can store your billing information to our system which will help you to quickly checkout and also for future purchases. You will also be able to see your order history, promotional and other information. If you are not willing to store your information in our system, you may simply checkout as GUEST CUSTOMER. For that you just need to put your number and proceed.
Step-6: Verifying billing and shipping details
As a registered user, we have your billing and shipping address for shipment in our system. If required, you may also change the shipping address by clicking to EDIT option. If you are checking out as a Guest User, you need to provide all billing & shipping information.

Please ensure that you are providing the complete and correct address detail in order to get the product delivered on time.

Step-7: Confirm your order
Once you click CONFIRM YOUR ORDER, you will be notified via confirmation SMS/email (your preferred contact method) that your checkout process is done.
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